October Auction 2024
Artist: Kim ChongHak (Korean, born 1937)
Medium: acrylic on canvas
Size: 80.3 x 116.8 cm. (31.6 x 46 in.)
캔버스에 유채
캔버스에 아크릴
유타나 촘푸푸엔
드림스케이프 V114 , 2024
캔버스에 혼합 매체
엘레나 데겐하르트
여름. 오전 7시 , 2024
보관용 종이에 파스텔과 물
Le Ciel
oil on canvas
나와 나, 너와 너, 나와 너
pencil and ink on paper
데이비드 휠러
야생화 , 2024
캔버스에 오일
나와 나, 너와 너, 나와 너
pencil and red clay on paper
아폴로니아 소콜
패니 , 2019
파인아트 프린트
쉬리 필립스
블루와 테라코타 , 2024
캔버스에 아크릴

Flowing Between
When we say 'between,' we think of the distance between two points or the empty space in between. However, the artist captures and translates the living and flowing essence present in all 'between' onto the canvas. It exists in undefined forms, much like today, which lies between the past and the future. It is trivial like the wind blowing between windows, and tender like the conversations and warmth flowing between you and me. Thus, the noun 'between,' used as the title o
JinYoung《사 이》
Flowing Between
When we say 'between,' we think of the distance between two points or the empty space in between. However, the artist captures and translates the living and flowing essence present in all 'between' onto the canvas. It exists in undefined forms, much like today, which lies between the past and the future. It is trivial like the wind blowing between windows, and tender like the conversations and warmth flowing between you and me. Thus, the noun 'between,' used as the title o -
일본 액션 페인팅의 선구자, 카즈오 시라가

담담한 청다색 기둥, 그 사유의 세계, 윤형근

현실과 인식에 대한 본질적인 성찰, 알리시아 크바데

상상과 현실의 경계를 넘나드는 작가, 니콜라스 파티

수행적인 작업을 통해 예술의 본질을 표현한 작가, 정상화

깊은 에너지로 채워진 숯의 화폭, 이배